Household Cleaning Recipes With Essential Oils
Essential Oils and Dogs
The rise in popularity of essential oil use over the last few years has seen them used for everything from children to babies to cleaning. But what about pets? There are some essential oils that can be very useful in assisting your pet in a wholistic way, but it is important to do some background research first.
Essential oils are made out of highly concentrated plant substances and if used incorrectly or if the oil comes from a plant species that is toxic to dogs the results could be very harmful.
Even when using an oil that is dog friendly, it is best to test a small amount on your animal first, in case they do happen to have an allergic reaction to it. Puppies, young dogs, dogs with liver disease or old dogs could be particularly vulnerable.
A likely scenario is your dog licking the spot where you have applied the essential oil, and/or getting it on its nose, which is a highly sensitive spot for dogs. This is why it may be better to add the oils to the dogs bedding or diffuse nearby. Also you can add a couple of drops to the dog shampoo or its bath. If you do apply oil directly to the dog, make sure it is highly diluted, try to avoid covering huge areas, and apply to areas like the back of the neck where your pet can’t reach the spot with their tongue.
The main essential oils that are poisonous to dogs include cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree, wintergreen, and ylang ylang.
Some other rules for using essential oils on dogs are:
- Avoid using the same blend over and over again for an extended period of time.
- Do not administer to the dog orally.
- If your pet is ill, seek the advice of a veterinarian
- Allow some time for your pet to get used to the oil, use on a diffuser first and make sure the diffuser is out of reach of your pet.
- Keep the amounts used small, dogs have more highly sensitive olfactory receptors than humans.
- Make sure that the oils are definitely natural! Do not use any that you are unsure of the quality of.
- If you notice that your pet disappears when you use a particular oil or blend, please take note. Your dog doesn’t like it!
- Don’t use essential oils on puppies under 10 weeks old
- Always heavily dilute the oils, do not apply directly
The best essential oils to use on your dogs:
Lavender to soothe your pet, ideal when they are panicked by loud noise, a visitor or a scuffle with another animal.
Frankincense to calm a hyperactive or anxious dog. It is also a natural antiseptic and can be applied using a swab to the infected area. Try to take steps to prevent your dog from licking the spot.
Cedarwood is a good one to use in a shampoo or bath. It helps with tick and flea control.
Australian Sandalwood is expensive, but the results are good! Spray on bedding to help relieve doggy flu symptoms. It, like Cedarwood is a fantastic flea repellent.
Geranium is great to diffuse near your dog. It has a calming effect.
Fennel – fleas really hate it! Sprinkle a few drops around your house where fleas may exist.
Bergamot is excellent for calming hyperactive dogs and it will uplift the mood of the whole family while your’e at it! Try placing it on your dogs bedding or blanket or place in a diffuser. Happy days!
For more handy DIY tips with essential oils around the house, you can check our weekly posts on Facebook.
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