doTERRA European Spring Tour | Natural Wellness
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doTERRA European Spring Tour

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We are so excited to be travelling Europe and sharing doTERRA. Our European Tour opens with an Essential Oils Intro class in Munich. Our German team of doTERRA users is growing fast and we are keen to share the oils in Germany and reconnect with our beautiful team. From the 16th May we will be at the doTERRA European Convention in London. An event that promises to inspire and educate with exclusive content from doTERRA Founder & CEO, David Stirling as well as Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Hill. We are thrilled to be speaking on the Q & A Panel on the Leadership Day at Convention. To kick start the Convention we will be hosting a London breakfast for our European Team. 

We will spend the rest of our tour travelling throughout the UK, Malta, Germany, and Switzerland, visiting our dedicated and passionate teams and holding AromaTouch Technique Certification, business trainings and workshops, and then on to Italy for our Presidential Diamond Trip.  

We will head home to Byron Bay at the end of June just in time for our July AromaTouch Technique Certification in Grafton on the 29th July. Andrew & Zinta Meyers are being trained to become Certified AromaTouch Trainers for the hearing impaired Community on the 7th July – location to be announced. For further information and booking details head over to our Events page.

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